
New Year skiing at Breckenridge 2003/4/5

This video is about skiing in Breckenridge during our vacation at New Year 2003-4.

We had been skiing in Breckenridge since the early 90s. Once our boys Harry & Tom discovered firstly Whistler, and then Breckenridge, we couldn’t persuade them to go back to skiing in Europe as we had for many years!

On our first trip there we met Dutch van Andel, our ski instructor, and spent many happy days out with him, a most effective way of taking ski lessons over a day as a family instead of individual or on large groups – a happy medium!

Dutch and his sons, Hayden and Gerhard, became firm friends of ours, and more recently, when Dutch had moved back to the Netherlands and we had resumed skiing in Europe, we had a great ski trip together in Bormio (a feature video yet to come!)

Meanwhile, here is a video taken by the ski school on one of our days out with Dutch, when he took us to the Nastar slalom course as part of our  – erm – training!

Here is another video taken by the ski school on one of our days out with Dutch, at New Year 2005, with a colleague, Mike, from the ski school, following us and catching the magic moments!

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